How to use

Pawan Uberoy


Share your reviews with fellow aviators using It is completely free and crowd sourced.

For suggestions and support, you can email me at

Filter by location

To filter items close to you, you can use the search option on the map.

  • Search for the airport or location you want
  • Zoom or pan the map around
  • Click the Filter by map.

Now the list gets filtered by things only on the map.

Filter by Category

To filter things by category, just select the drop down in the filter bar. You can select multiple items, for example, restaurants and airports and FBOs. You can deselect items by clicking them again.

List and Grid View

Click the buttons on the left of the category filter to toggle between the grid and list view.

Add a review

Just click the stars next on an item’s card or row. You will then see the review dialog where you can enter your review. You can also post the review anonymously. Please enter comments.

Vote a review up or down

In the details page of an item, you can look at all reviews and vote them up or down by clicking the thumb icon. That will show you which ones are useful to others.

Add a new Item

To add a new item, click the “add item” button. The follow dialog shows up. You can fill in all the information. Add a picture (jpg) to the item and save it. Please enter a physical address if possible so it can be shown on the map. Make sure you enter the right category as well.

Edit an item

Since this is a crowdsourced site, we allow people to edit items from others. Just go to the details page and then click edit.



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